Our product range includes materials to build Wendy Houses, Doll Houses, Tree Houses and Timber Homes as well as LAPA CCA Poles & Laths, Roofing Timber, CCA Decking, CCA Treated Timber, Knotty Pine Ceiling, Pine Flooring, CCA Treated Split Poles and Laminated Beams.
We stock Gum Poles 2.4m and 3.0m lengths. 20 – 100mm all treated to SBS specifications.
Treated timber for sub-structures of decking and timber frame homes.
We carry a full range and laths 3.0m, 3.6m and 4.5m. All treated to SABS specification.
Pine CCA Decking treated to SABS specifications in stock. 32mm and 20mm. Saligna decking also in stock.
Knotty pine ceiling 65 x 13mm and flooring 20 x 105mm.
Prefabricated MiTEK timber roof trusses designed in accordance with Part “A” and “L” of the national building regulations.
Knotty pine ceiling 65 x 13mm and flooring 20 x 105mm.
We supply all timber and profiles to build any type of Wendy House.
We supply all timber windows and profiles to build any size Doll House.
Poles and timber available to build any Tree House.
We stock a full range of treated timber, and profile flooring to build a timber home of any size to SABS specifications.
7 Dewar street, Derdepoort, Pretoria, 0169
+27 [0]12 808 9900
Trading hours:
Monday – Thursday 7:30 – 16:45
Friday 7:30 – 16:30
Saturday 8:00 – 12:45
Sunday & Pub. Holidays: Closed
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